Adam's Fall

This verse was written during the teenage years
of Adam Pirani, to whom it is dedicated.

God made young Adam good-looking and bright,
To his elders and betters, extremely polite,
Until that sad day when he stole from the tree
Of the fruit that's forbidden, and punished was he.
As he walked in That Garden, he heard That Great Voice;
"Choose good or choose evil; but you make the choice.
If you want to stay happy and good, you should know
Not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Go."
But Adam was tempted; the fruit did he pick,
He ate pips and all; made himself feel quite sick.
Till he suddenly found, to his unbounded pleasure,
His go playing strength he could easily measure
With players of experience, players from college,
And players with endless theoretical knowledge.
For many a day Adam swept all before him,
Professionals, amateurs, none could ignore him,
Four dans and five dans defeated he gaily,
And matches and tournaments won almost daily;
Until came the day he heard calling once more
That Voice he had heard in the Garden before.
"I saw you steal fruit from the Tree that's forbidden!
How long did you think such a sin could be hidden?
I told you to choose between evil and good;
You chose evil; I rather suspected you would.
Did I not create you with good looks, with brightness,
And (always most welcome in youngsters) politeness?
To you and your progeny ever to prove
My great justice and wrath, those gifts now I remove.
As a go player you may reach shodan or nidan,
But never again walk the Garden of Eden."
